Light memory O.S. Samoylovitch, is devoted...
From the very beginning of origin of aircraft construction at ours citizens a word "aircraft" associated not only with the slogan by 30-th years: " is faster, above, is farther ". It can will sound is banal, but they felt and understood, as with their help the planes rise in the sky. They were overflown with pride of all people, by and large, connected with with aircraft, country which has created such powerful air fleet. For last years much has changed, but even now to domestic airdesigners is than to surprise the foreign colleagues. The aerospace salon, taking place once per two years, in city Zgukovsky in which time has proved interest of our citizens
to aircrafts and has revealed huge desire to embody it for a family album, and therefore it would be necessary to present you the information, which can appear useful in the future.
Aircrafts happens different... - not the best beginning, though all is correct. Let's leave division of aircrafts on a special-purpose designation, and we shall consider it as abstract object of shooting, which is characterized in distance up to it, overall dimensions and condition in the certain moment of time. All these parameters dictate the requirements to the characteristics of the photoequipment. First of all it concerns a focal length of lenses. The compact cameras, which have received nowadays a wide circulations having lenses with a variable focal length, in the best party differ from similar cameras with the fixed focal length, however with their help the shooting of aircrafts can be carried out, basically, on the ground. At indicative or demonstration flights of their opportunity are strongly limited (exception, perhaps, it is possible to consider of pilotage group and shooting of large-sized aircrafts (AC)).
Besides the bottom limit of change of a lense's focal length (in most cases is 35-38 mm) not always allows wholly to embody AC on the ground from small distance, and the shooting from some distance is inconvenient more often by that the visitors of interior are too close to object of shooting.
Therefore, to avoid similar restrictions, it is desirable to have a mirror camera with replaceable lenses. The dimensions AC vary in a rather wide range, it begins with light and supelight AC such, as Su26 and Mi34 and comes to an end by such giants as Tu160 and An124, which can transport tens tons of cargoes of the most different assignment. And if at shooting AC on the ground first are possible are to photographed using a lens, having a focal length 35-50 mm, that completely to place in the staff second it is necessary a lens with focal length near 20 mm (maybe here is required a lens with a widest angle, its lenses have features, about which the speech will go further). Now we shall present these objects in the sky. If with large-sized AC all is clearly, for shooting AC with the rather modest sizes it is required a lens with a limiting focal length up to 500-600 mm (most real variant is an increase of a focal length through the teleconverter). It is possible to break objects, discussed by us, of shooting, depending on a condition in the given moment of time, on the following groups: AC on parking, AC during an independent movement on auxiliary pathes or its transportation, AC during take-off - landing and start - run, AC during flight.
And now we shall consider these groups more in detail.
/ AC on parking. /
Shooting AC on parking, in allowing to receive more - less complete. representation about them, and consequently in most popular, ракурсе (as a rule 3/4 (1/2 at the front view) (photo 1),
reminds something average between shooting of architecture and portrait. But it is not necessary also to neglect fully frontal kinds of AC is, in most cases, looks effectively and allows to show by battle machines target loading and points of its suspension bracket (photo 2). Large AC on ground wholly remove infrequently and the more so from small distance in connection with distortions of wideangle lenses, therefore it is better to depart object of shooting whenever possible further.
But it is possible to shoot a part of a design (photo 3), by adding any object allowing to estimate dimensions AC, and futher to embody the giant in flight. The greatest interest for the experts is represented by photos of separate elements of a design AC (photo 4), and also unique colouring (photo 5) and designations (photo 6). The photos AC, in process of preflight preparation or of afterflight survey are very interesting. In these cases AC do not look any more completely static objects, and remind a patient more, which with scepticism observes for by the doctors, at necessary medical survey. In all cases it is desirable to find views, which favourably distinguished your photos from hundreds others is concerns photoshooting in general, therefore it is necessary always to remember it.
/ AC during an independent movement on auxiliary pathes or its transportation. /
As the spectator places on airsalon in Zgukovsky are far from the take-off strip and of auxiliary pathes, the shooting of process a independent moving AC on rise and after landing can be shot basically long-tele lenses.
And here the process of transportation AC with the help of the tractor can be removed even standard 50 mm lens (photo 7), main not strongly to take a great interest, since it is possible to get under the machine of support or to receive by a part of the plane on a head.
/ AC during take-off - landing and start - run /
The process of start - run AC is carried out before more often by spectator sector and from the point of view of photoshooting differs from a independent moving, basically,
speed of moving of object of shooting and opportunity "to get" it, in most cases, even with a lens which have a focal length in 300 mm. Take-off of the plane most effectively looks: for passenger and transport - in the moment of detachment from a take-off strip of a forward support the chassis, but at concerning surface of the strip basic support; for fighters - at the moment of a vigorous set of height when the chassis is still issued (photo 8). At call on landing, the speed of the plane is reduced (in comparison with a flight speed), the mechanization of a wing - is issued it is possible to make rather effective snapshots, but it not always is possible because of restrictions in a choice of points of shooting. The landing is better to shoot at the moment of a contact by the basic support the chassis AC of a surface of take-off strip (it is possible to define on occurrence some smoke from wheels at the moment of a contact of the strip - its presence is explained to that the plane makes landing on some speed, and to untwist motionless wheels some time is necessary). Both - take-off and landing can be shot with posting on rather long shutter speeds - then the background behind AC is blur and the perception of the basic object is improved. 7
/ AC during flight. /
The shooting AC in flight has some features, which are useful for taking into account. At photoshooting flights maneuverable AC it is desirable to have a certain binding, which unequivocally defined its position in space because the image AC on an one-ton background not always gives this representation, and the shooting of difficult manoeueres, at times, appears useless (even a gradient of light exposure of the clean sky it is possible to consider practically as one-ton background as it grasps a small range of brightnesses of light-blue colour, and on a rather small site of the sky limited to the staff, is rather uniform).
First of all as binding can be horizone, but it is not always acceptable since the sizes of the basic object of shooting appear insignificant. Further it is possible "to lean" on clouds (photo 9), but also here a position of AC not always manages unequivocally to be defined. At photoshooting of fighters a Su27 series at definition of them position in space the binding partially can be served by whirlwinds which descend from them two sharp nose's inflows. At increase of a corner of attack of the plane, a come off zone of the whirlwinds moves to forward part of a wing and, at the certain corner of attack, the whirlwinds come off completely. All this process comes to light more precisely at presence small cloudy, and to observe its dynamics it is possible, for example, on a figure "Pugachev's kobra" (photo 10). And time we have mentioned a theme of figures of hight pilotage that by most effective to me use a multiexposition is represented at shooting from a support of various figures of heigh pilotage, carried out as by separate AC and at flights pilotage groups. All trajectory of a movement AC concerning its position prior to the beginning performance of manoeuere in this case is visible.
At realization of shooting through equal intervals of time it is possible even to transfer all dynamics of moving AC. Here it is difficult at shooting to receive exact configuration of all trajectory and consequently to carry out it is necessary after a print. All charm of use a multiexposition I present cleanly theoretically in connection with absence it on my camera, but, can, you can estimate this advice practically, but after that do not forget to tell me about your results. Generally speaking, it is necessary though in a small degree to know (or to guess), that AC will do in the following moment of flight. I hope, there is no need to explain, why the plane cannot to stop in the air, in interesting view, and to wait when you will make shooting… And better to make a series of stills some difficult manoeuere, than then to pity about a sole unsuccessful still. All variants of binding depend on a specific situation, but nobody forbids to you them to ignore, as however, and all that here is described.
Passenger and transport AC in flight represent more simple object for shooting. Like lazy big fish they slide between clouds, moving apart air by the massive bodies. Photoamateurs with compact cameras here should be made active is their chance to make some stills AC in the air by a close up.
That the still was more full engaged in object of shooting, it can be grouped so that the wing AC settled down on a diagonal of the still.
In breaks between flights various AC it is impossible to relax - it is necessary to search for objects for shooting on the ground. It can be your friends or completely unfamiliar spectators, which nothing suspect about shooting and consequently their persons are weakened and have natural features. Or, for example, before spectator sector the soldiers in a cordon cost, preventing shooting of rises and landings, but also in bad it is possible to find something positive and interesting from the photographic point of view (photo 11).
Now let's talk about some features. Let AC on parking everyone shoot as to him conveniently and as the photoequipment allows. I want to tell as I has carried out shooting flights.
For the beginning, after an estimation with the help built - in in the chamber экспонометра of area of flights, was picked up aperture at f/8. The range of shutter speeds, in aperture priority mode, was made from 1/250 approximately up to 1/1000 - it by I provided absence "shake" at shooting from hands with a limiting focal length of my lens in 300 mm (though it on a fan - usually such shooting is carried out in sutter priority mode). Further I have checked up, that AF is switched - off to avoid its incorrect work at change of contrast of object and possible loss, in this connection, interesting still (it was caused, first of all, probable hit AC in a zone of clouds). Besides, the main object is not necessary is at the centre of the still (photo 12),
and to block focus not always it is desirable, since. More often AC moves in a direction of the observer or from it and for that time while the focus is blocked and a reconfiguration of the still is carried out the object of the shooting can leave from a zone of sharpness. I advise you, on leisure, to try, keeping in the viewfinder maneuverable AC, carrying out the program of flights, to be focused on it and, to change properly a configuration of a still, to make shooting. Theoretically I well represented complexity of this operation, therefore an autofocusing has disconnected at once. Preliminary focusing was carried out on there is nobody object on airfield, which in mine mind was approximately on identical distance, as an AC in the air and, futher, if necessary, was corrected in a place depending on the image in the viewfinder (and at times on the indicator of correct focusing). The correction was insignificant and consist in turn of a focusing ring on some degrees. However if you, all the same, feel more confidently with the included auto focus, do not forget to switch it in a focus tracking mode.
For a case of application of auto focus it is possible to note, that at its use, for photoshooting AC in flight, owners of cameras, with autofocus systems which having some points of focusing, are in a more advantageous situation, than at which in a camera only one central sensor of autofocus. However, at focusing manually, the multidot systems of autofocusing also are more preferable - presence of several sensors allows with the greater ease to receive snapshots of mobile objects with the conceived configuration. Generally speaking, among modern systems of autofocusing the system dynamic autofocusing of the Nikon F5 and the F100 is very interesting. So at dynamic autofocusing you set a primary focusing sensor, which will by first find out object. Then, if the found out object is gone, the function dynamic autofocusing is automatically transferred to the following sensor, then - on the following etc. in process of a movement of object. That is dynamic focusing traces a situation of object of shooting and holds it in focus, even if the object is gone spontaneously.
But, under the truth speaking, in the Nikon's autofocus module obviously there are no four sensors on crossing of imagined lines which are taking place through existing sensors (except for central). The focusing system of the Canon EOS-3 consisting from 45 фокусировочных of points, with an opportunity of a choice of the necessary point by a sight, however desire is even more interesting to watch by an eye all area reflected in the view-finder, does it not always convenient, but from it it do not become less greatest. In more detail already was told on pages of a "PHOTOMAGAZINE" about this, rather interesting system, therefore simply I send you to this clause to not repeat. From the point of view of convenience of shooting AC in flight these professional cameras would be most preferable. Unfortunately, these cameras are inaccessible to the majority of photoamateurs, because of the prices however little bit simplified (but, nevertheless, also rather effective) the multidot systems of autofocusing have begun to occur and on amateur cameras. But we shall leave this lyrical deviation and we shall return to our theme. So, you cost before a zone of flights with the camera, adjusted on every possible unexpectedness, and wait for a beginning of indicative or demonstration flights. But that for you there was by no unexpectedness a behaviour AC in the air (especially at flight of a pilotage group) it is possible to recommend to look not only one eye in the view-finder, but also to open the second eye to observe by it all picture as a whole, choosing the moment to make a shot (here it is very useful to have good peripheral sight).
Perhaps, important, also, purchase of the time-table of forthcoming flights or, at least is, it is necessary to occupy a place near to the man having it. The program not only will help you, futher, to make the competent signatures under photos, but it is important and from the practical point of view. Agree, that is possible approximately to assume how many still the shooting determined AC and in that case will borrow if you in the camera had pair недоснятых of the staff, it seems quite acceptable(quite accepted) to offer them and beforehand to rewind отснятую not up to the end a film, knowing that, for example, further under the time-table - пилотажная group, on which you are ready to spend more than two staff, but are afraid to pass(miss) something interesting in their program (photos 13,14,15,16).
And now I want to tell some words " for culture ": the colleagues, throw out, please, unnecessary things connected and untied with a photo only in removed(allocated) for this place - on past МАКС’е spectator sectors, after a leaving(care) of the spectators, made depressing impression because of an abundance of dust. Let even people with cameras are allocated with good education among other spectators.
In the conclusion I want to wish to you more good photos and it is not necessary on a theme of aircraft, but I shall be glad if something from described by me is necessary to you, say, on some futures airsalon